

I create not only for myself, but also because I have a message.

To create meaningful and impactful visually stunning artwork that echoes into the world. To inspire people to be better stewards of the land and live more sustainable and regenerative lives. This can be achieved through the beauty of nature and animals, political and social statements, or from images of destruction juxtaposed against natural beauty. To maintain continuity in visual style through earthly, otherworldly, surreal, fantastical, and realistic scenes that can act as therapy for the viewer.

As far back as my memory goes, I have always been an artist. When I was a child, I drew cartoons, Disney characters, and anything from my imagination. I found art to be a fun challenge and did not realize I was developing a very important part of myself during those years. I graduated in 2010 with my BFA in Integrated Studio Arts, with an emphasis in painting, from Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design. Afterwards, I worked as an artist mentor with artists with developmental disabilities for 4 years. Although I enjoyed this rewarding direction, I missed being the one doing the creating. I decided to return to school and build upon my skillset.

In 2016, I graduated with an Associate's degree in Graphic Design from Madison College. My decision to pursue this path was so I could work as a graphic designer for an environmental organization or a non-profit. I have designed for a wide variety of clients as both a freelancer, and an in-house designer. From working with startups, non-profits, and a large corporation, I've tasted many different workplace cultures. I continuously find myself merging and imbuing my message into my work, and am pushing for my passion to be my full-time day job. Meaningful work that I can align myself to socially, politically, or environmentally has been a common thread in my adult life. Animals and nature don't have a voice, or an equal seat at the table in our societal structure. They need to be represented by those who care, to influence those who do not. As a culture creator, I feel that it's my responsibility to generate wholesome content for the world, amongst the superficiality and corruption around us. I believe positive messaging will help shape the world for the better.

I'm trying to challenge the notion that a painting of a tree isn't going to do as much as actually planting a tree.

My preferred mediums are oil paints and acrylics, but I also love oil pastels. As an artist, I have always been infatuated with colors and how they interact. The raw component of color has so much power and I enjoy finding ways to harness that into emotionally moving work.

As a graphic designer, I thrive when being challenged to create for a concept. Whether representing a pre-existing brand or defining a new one, pulling design elements together to solve a visual puzzle is an addicting and exhilarating process for me.

I'm a self-starter with a variety of interests, who enjoys learning and exploring. As a creative, I bring innovation and critical thinking skills to the things I do. Passionate about reducing my carbon footprint, I live intentionally and as an aspiring minimalist. Spending time outdoors and being active are important lifestyle choices for me. I paint nature and animals as a reminder that our environment's vitality influences our well-being. Also being connected to the spiritual realm, our resonance with nature is more than an earthly embodiment. Through our busy lives, and separation from animals and the natural world, we collectively have forgotten what keeps our minds, bodies, and souls healthy and thriving.

Photo courtesy © Pearle Images